They finally saw a dim light around a corner. Sophia and Samantha moved faster toward the end of the corridor. They turned right and at the end of the hall was an open space. The moaning voice grew louder and was coming from this open space. They could see a large wooden table in the center with a large pile of something they couldn’t quite make out yet right on top. They inched closer, still holding hands. They walked to the large open space. The space was a big circle. In the center was the table and all around the perimeter of the circle were prison cells, each one closed off with thick bars. Hanging above the wooden table were knives, saws, and metal hooks, some stained with red. A dark liquid dripped off the teeth of one of the saws, down onto the pile on the table. The moan continued, coming from a cell to the far right, out of Sophia and Samantha’s eye line. They looked at the table. The pile started to come into view. The bottom of a torso, the flesh hanging down and intestines soaked in blood bulged out all in a puddle of its own filth. The sour yet sweet smell travelled into their nose, down their throats, and mixed whatever food was in their stomach from earlier. Samantha gasped and turned around, holding her stomach and leaned over to vomit. She watched as Penelope’s carrot soup shot out of her mouth, orange chunks hitting the floor and that’s when she saw it, a wet, slimy patch of hair. It was the scalpelled head of Jody, a fleshy and bloody head of hair lying in the dirt, remnants of brain matter acted as a glue for the dirt on the floor. Samantha screamed and ran back the way they came, away from the hell they discovered. “Samantha,” Sophia ran after her. Samantha ran down the corridor back into the pitch black darkness, streams of tears ran down her face and snot dripped down her nose and over her upper lip. She tripped and hit the ground, losing all the energy and sanity to stand up. She didn’t move. She lay there and cried on the cold cement corridor floor. When Sophia got to her, she kneeled down and helped her sit up. “We’re going to die down here.” Samantha said, barely able to get words out. As they sat on the ground, Sophia wrapped her arms around Samantha, placing Samantha’s head onto her chest the way a mother comforts a child. “Samantha, I know this is scary. This is where we are and we cannot change that. We can only fight to survive. I came here knowing the dangers involved. I came here to save you. We can only be free if we fight this. You are going to see things that cannot be unseen. Things that live in our worst nightmares but this is real. We need to get up and go back. Someone in there needs our help.” Samantha’s body trembled against Sophia’s chest as she silently cried tears of regret. Tears of confusion and tears of what was to come. “I just want to go home,” Samantha said, “I miss my mom.” She broke out into sobs and Detective Arc patiently sat, holding Samantha, imagining she was holding her sister Charlotte. They sat there for a couple of minutes, the only sounds that broke the silence were Samantha’s panting and sniffles with the faint moaning sounds of whoever was locked in that dungeon. “We have to get up now,” Sophia said, a gentle inflection that interrupted this nightmare just for a second, enough to get Samantha to stand up. Samantha wiped her face using her forearm. “I’m sorry, I -” Samantha began to say. “Don’t be. You’re just a kid,” Sophia said, “I need to call for backup.” Samantha handed Detective Arc the phone. They walked back to the dungeon at a fast pace and stopped near the open entrance, just feet away from the wooden table in the center. Detective Arc messaged Salvino: OPCLT come now found dungeon dead body, i have Sam Salvino responded: OTW Samantha stared at the wooden table up ahead and her eyes were wide, incapable of blinking. “We need to find out who is locked in there,” Sophia said, “We have to walk by that table. Hold my hand and look at me, nothing else.” They walked toward the table and Samantha stared at Sophia’s dark hair but her mind kept seeing a pile of wet intestines covered in blood. Jody’s hair lying on the floor detached from her head and cut along her brain, orange carrot stew vomit on the floor. She closed her eyes and forced her lips shut to keep her throw up down. The groaning grew louder. It was the sound of someone crying without tears and in unbearable pain. Detective Arc stopped walking and Samantha opened her eyes. They were looking into a cell, past the bars a man sat, back against the wall on the dirt floor. His right leg had been cut off at the knee and dark red stained gauze was wrapped tightly over it. He cried and groaned from the pain. Samantha walked up to the bars and gripped them with her hands. She peered into between two bars and said, “Miles?” He sat there, shirtless and full of dirt, grime, and dry blood was streaked across his body. He had a dazed look in his eyes, full of defeat. He began to move his mouth but struggled, wincing at the pain in his leg and gripping his right thigh. He closed his eyes for a while and then opened them. He moved his chapped, rough lips and said, “I...I...Ivy?” “It’s me, it’s Ivy,” Samantha began to cry, “I’m so sorry Miles.” “Miles, my name is Sophia, Detective Sophia Arc. I am going to get you out of here.” Miles opened his mouth to speak but instead grabbed onto his leg again. He shook his head and his eyes were sullen. Sophia took out the key that unlocked the Red Room door in the hopes that it might work to open Miles’s cell. It didn’t. “Don’t worry Miles. Help is on the way,” Detective Arc said. Miles shook his head again. He lifted his head up as he held his left leg and finally got one word out, “Run.”