Penelope walked into the living room where all the Freedom House members slept. They lay on the floor, shoulder to shoulder, head to feet, like sardines packed into a small, confined space. Penelope walked over them, placing her feet in between each body, feeling for the floor on each step she took. She found Sky and shook her awake. “Sky. Wake up,” Penelope said. Sky opened her eyes and yawned a wide open mouth yawn. “What’s going on?” Sky asked. “We have a big problem. The Darius and Cyrus are in the Red Room. Ivy and Zoe are missing. Ivy lied and she stole my key to the Red Room.” Sky sat up, now wide awake with full attention on Penelope. “What does The Darius want us to do?” Sky asked. “We need to wake up everyone. We need all of Freedom House,” said Penelope. Sky stood up and she and Penelope began waking the others. “Wake up. The Darius’s orders,” Penelope said. All the members sat up. Penelope and Sky sat back to back in the middle of the living room, looking over the circle of members sitting around them. “The Darkness is here,” Penelope said. There were confused gasps and everyone began talking at once. Sky raised her voice over the chatter, “We must stay calm. We have to fight The Darkness. The Darius and Cyrus went down to The Red Room and we must wait for them to return.” “Sky is right. Whether we like it or not, it’s time now. The Darius wants us to be free,” Penelope said. One of the members shouted, “The Darius wants us free.” The sun was starting to rise and painted the sky a bright pink ad yellow and one person after another began to chant, “The Darius wants us free. The Darius wants us free.” --- Detective Arc looked around for something, anything should could use to pick the lock to free Miles. She walked around to all the other cells. There were six total and they made up the circular perimeter of the dungeon. “Samantha, I need your help. Look for anything that might help us pick that lock.” Samantha nodded and wiped her eyes. Detective Arc walked to the prison cell next to Miles’s. She picked up the lock in her hand and looked up, through the bars. Inside the cell was a wooden bench against the right wall. It smelled of shit and piss. In the back left corner laid what was the rest of Jody. The inside of her head was exposed and flesh hung down on the sides of her head. Brain matter spilled out onto the floor where maggots systematically crawled all over it. Detective Arc swallowed hard. The next cell was unlocked and opened a few inches. “There’s nothing here. We’re not going to get Miles out,” Samantha said as she held back from breaking down into a sob of tears. “Keep looking Samantha,” Detective Arc said, her fear masked with a forced calmness but, like radio waves in the air, was present all around them and inside them. Detective Arc opened the cell door and its squeak echoed in the dungeon. Samantha stopped, looked at the detective and walked over to the cell. She stood behind Detective Arc. Sophia Arc walked into the cell, and like the one that swallowed Jody, it smelled of feces. Detective Arc lifted her right arm to her nose to block the strong scent. She walked closer to the large pile on the floor. The cell was dark and she heard the light buzzing sound of flies. There were two bodies laid out next to each other, they were two adult men, their stomachs cut open and intestines curled out spilling onto the ground. Detective Arc, still with her arm to her nose, shook her head slowly back and forth. Samantha turned around and looked back at the dungeon entrance at the dark archway, “Detective, did you hear that?” Detective Arc lifted her head and turned around, holding her breath to help her pinpoint any sounds. She did hear something. Someone was coming.