It finally happened...I fell from the top of the stairs in my house. It's actually a hilarious story, especially since I didn't get badly hurt, my right pointer finger just swelled up and is bruised (reference photo above.)
So what actually happened? It was 7:33 am and I was on a conference call with my boss and my boss's boss. Thank God for the mute button otherwise it would've been even more disastrous. I was holding my iPhone in my left hand, muted and on speaker phone. Had my computer bag over my right shoulder, was wearing 3 inch heels and wasn't holding onto the railing. I went racing down as usual, forgetting about the 3 inchers, and BAM! I didn't slip down. I fell to my side and rolled over and over. Definitely tried to catch myself and failed horribly...apparently. The loud thud of my epic 7:33am roll woke my husband. He ran down the stairs and immediately helped me out of concern. I was a bit in shock and almost on the verge of tears. My right pointer finger was the only place on my body that instantly hurt, pretty bad might I add. Of course my phone which made a landing on my kitchen floor, unharmed, was still running the conference call, myself muted. After sitting for a few minutes, I just started laughing my ass off. While commuting to work, I couldn't stop laughing by myself, full on tears laughing. The laughter got so bad, I had to stop at the local Safeway to pick up emergency eyeliner. This is how I started my 2018! Killing it and rollin in style. Below are some other awesome ways I have started the New Year: 1. Still eating anything that gets in my way 2. Sleeping in whenever possible 3. Staying up way too late on week days On a more serious note, here are some real ways I have started off my year: 1. Meditating more 2. Playing electric guitar again after stopping for 3 years 3. Continuing to give most of my free time to my children and husband 4. Working out, when I feel like it 5. Every day, taking time to focus on the present moment by breathing I should probably try to not do too much, especially when stairs are nearby. Hope your New Year is starting off great! Beware of stairs, slow down, and remember to breathe. -Sterp
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