I was feeding the chickens when I first saw her. Cyrus was introducing her to Sylvie and Miles. She had dark wavy hair and looked older. As Cyrus walked toward me, I noticed the woman had a black and purple eye. She had been hit by someone and that's probably what led her here. "Hey Ivy. I'd like you to meet Zoe. I met her at the Whole Foods down on Soquel. Zoe, this is Ivy." I reached my hand out and Zoe grabbed it with a slight squeeze. She held it about three seconds too long and locked eyes with me. Her touch was strong and purposeful. I saw something in her eyes. Something I hadn't seen in a long time but couldn't label it. "Hello Ivy, it's a pleasure," said Zoe. "Same." I said. "The Darius asked me to bring Zoe to you. He said you'd know what she needs next." Cyrus said. "Have you explained the Journey to the Light?" I asked. "Yes. We just discussed that." Cyrus said. "Take her to meet Skye. We also have an afternoon meditation." I said. "Perfect," said Cyrus. Cyrus and Zoe turned around and started back to the house. "Cyrus. Zoe will need to enter The Love room tomorrow. We are moving fast." "You got it Ivy," he said. They disappeared into the house. Miles walked up. He stood next to me, looking out at Freedom Park, scanning everyone working. In a low voice he said, "We still on tonight?" "Of course." I said. Miles brushed my hand with his. I liked Miles but I loved Freedom House. I wanted to understand it all. I wanted to know what was in the Red Room and I wanted to reach The Light. "I also came over because The Darius wants to see us." Miles said. --- We both sat in front of him, inside his den with candles lit along the wals. "Ivy, come sit next to me." I moved next to The Darius and we now both faced Miles as he sat alone in front of us. "Miles, you are no longer Ivy's mentor. You are being transferred to work in the Red Room." Miles's eyes widened, fear grew behind them and silent cries reached out. "Ivy no longer needs a mentor. Tonight, half of us will go out into the woods and sleep under the stars one last time. The others who stay back need more time with pain practices and The Love room." "When do I start in the Red Room?" Miles voice was low and he looked down. "Well, right away Miles. You know that." The Darius tilted his head to the left and smirked at Miles. "Penelope, escort Miles to the Red Room," said The Darius. Penelope skipped over to Miles. She locked her left arm into his right arm. "Time to go." Miles stared at me with a goodbye in his eyes. I stayed sitting next to The Darius, side by side. He spoke facing forward, without looking over at me. "Penelope was in The Love room some weeks back when she heard whispers. She saw you and Miles. She heard Miles tell you to get out before it's too late. Ivy, we cannot let anyone get in the way of the Journey to the Light. People get jealous. Those are traits from the Outside that stray us from the journey. Do you understand?" "I do. What's in the Red Room?" I asked. I could see a smile form across The Darius's face from the side. His eyes were glazed over with glory as he faced forward and stared into nothing. "You'll find out soon enough Ivy. Something very beautiful, like you. We will be leaving into the woods soon. It's going to be a night of love and compassion." I had never been camping in the woods before. I hadn't done a lot of things before Freedom House. As I walked out into Freedom Park I began to think about Jody. I thought about the last time I saw her when she walked out of pain yoga. Where was she and what was she doing? I thought about Miles and wondered if that was the last time I would ever see him. I liked Miles and as much as I loved Freedom House something in me worried for him. I tried to ignore it but I had the feeling that something just wasn't right. I knew I had to get into The Red Room but how? "Ivy? Are you ready to go?" Jonas asked. "What?" I asked. "We're going into the woods. The Darius wants us all out front." "Oh yes, I'm ready." While we waited in front of the garden for The Darius, there was an excitement amongst everyone. I looked over at Sylvie, Penelope, and Skye. They were holding hands to form a circle and danced around. They hummed the same song I heard before. The song that came from The Red Room. Miles entered my mind again. I watched the girls dance in a circle, Sylvie's hair fluttered with each jump. The clouds were clear in the sky but my mind wasn't. I still thought about Jody and then Miles. I could only hear the girls humming that song. "Isn't everything perfect Ivy?" It was The Darius. I forced myself to say, "More than perfect." "That's my girl," he said.